According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition there is a shortage of over 7 million
low-income homes for our nation’s more than 11 million low-income families.
According to an average of 25.3 million people are displaced from
their homes yearly since 2008 by sudden-onset disasters alone.
Anywhere Homes utilizes some of the more than
14 million retired shipping containers around the world and turn them into low-income housing
development and emergency relief opportunities. Anywhere Homes offer the opportunity for
your investments to:
•Offer low-income housing to families in need.
•Deliver emergency units to disaster relief areas.
•Offer emergency expansion to homeless shelters overflowing and in need.
Do you want your housing investments to…
•Help people?
•Offer first to market advantage in relocatable, modular designed, low-income housing?
•Be built stronger than traditional construction and durable enough to withstand renter neglect?
•Have the opportunity to easily add more units, or move unused units to more in-demand
•Be built more durable than traditional construction?
•Cost less to build and insure than stick built construction?
Each low-income housing unit will give a family the opportunity to feed and clothe their kids
instead of scraping pennies to pay outrageous renters rates.
Each emergency unit and homeless shelter expansion unit has the opportunity to shelter 12
humans in great need in bunked cots with a bathroom in each unit.